Characteristics of the works and prices
Pier Toffoletti realizes three types of works on the same framed canvas support, to satisfy the various accessibility needs of art collectors:
ORIGINAL WORKS – HIGHT QUALITY PRINT WORKS and REMAKE WORKS - the prices for which are regulated by coefficients.
Price calculation: cm. of the BASE + cm. of the HEIGHT x COEFFICIENT = EURO
ORIGINAL WORK by Pier Toffoletti.
The original works Body Splash and Face Splash are produced on canvas with acrylics and oil.
Coefficient: 50
It is a digital reproduction on canvas of the original work carried out with a museum-quality level. The artist personally supervises the process and bonds the autographed copies to a maximum number of 39.
These works are not distributed to galleries but are made on-demand, privately, directly from the workshop.
Coefficient: 6.5
WORK: RETOUCH PRINTING by Pier Toffoletti.
Is a digital reproduction on canvas of an original work by the artist, where he intervenes with touches of black on dark parts. These works are not distributed to galleries but are produced on private commission, directly from the workshop.
Coefficient: 4.5
The galleries select an artist, evaluate his artistic product and potential and attribute a price in line with his own customer segment.
In years of collaboration with their artist, these galleries accompany him through growth, contributing with substantial investments and testing a market with hundreds of works sold, therefore, these prices find certain and real support.
As with many artists who begin to enjoy a certain visibility, for Pier Toffoletti too, some old works of the many donated for various reasons, or never paid for just as many various reasons or even fakes, show up on the market out of the sure sales channels of the reference galleries, auctioned off at prices that are outrageously quoted, due to ignorance or to obscure drawings bent on boycotting. Unfortunately, these works, through auctions, are published with relative outrageously listed prices, creating great confusion on the real quotation of the artist and therefore, causing serious damage both to the artist and to the reference galleries. Therefore, all the works published with such outrageously listed prices could be disclaimed by the artist and not published in catalogs programmed for the future.
The collectors and auction houses are invited to contact Pier Toffoletti’s organization before publishing any protected image of the artist's works for sale, to obtain the necessary authorization pursuant to articles 109 and 13 of Copyright laws.